The collage of the human fragments and the psychological mind because the mind is what associates with how people view themselves as the world deems them to be represented as fragmented existence they are not whole they are segmented...
Types of surreal existence you know what i mean? The psychological mind is made up of bits of information that we all gleam from the environment from the time we leave the comfort of the vagina. we first see the world in images our parents faces is the beginning then we makes a noise and are startled that we can make a noise but as John Berger stated in his book ‘ways of seeing’ we all learn from seeing images before speech
We unconsciously soak up everything even if we don't know we are doing it, the power of the image is essential and that's what brings about speech............... now if you place a baby in a plain room with no pictures, no human contact you are teaching that child nothing, so his/her mind cannot create images within his/her mind because he/she don't see anything
Its only when that child see's, it begins to develop speech, i.e. when we awake in the morning we open our eyes and in that split second our mind has soaked up everything even if we don't remember seeing it, the memory still holds on to what was seen and stores it inside until needed
Then if one is creative we will bring out that image and use it and that's when it becomes a surreality as we unconsciously take and use things ,,, we use concepts not knowingly knowing that we have captured it from somewhere so the mind uses what is seen so via the concept of an image and the psychological mind we are creating what we see around ourselves and subconsciously taken from anything even from our dreams and we have made it exist into something new
Conclusion: So art is not only what we see, its based on what we have seen, saw, from the time we are born to now, because we have stored it in our subconscious and our unconscious ,,, the subconscious is what we saw 2 days ago, the unconscious is what we saw from we are born or young, the conscious is what we see now, when we create we use all 3 ,,, we use the unconscious, subconscious and the concious,,, and this then becomes a surreality existence or in some cases autonomous existence
I concluded the psychological mind and art goes hand in hand........
Researched and written by Ruth Bircham